I know it must seem boring to most to spend a Saturday night grilling chicken and frying up some veggies and tossing it over egg noodles, eating while watching The movie "Three Kings" then doing dishes.. Then baking a cake and while it bakes, vacuuming and doing laundry listening to really loud music BUT that's my life and I love it. Its 10:15 and I am still listening to really loud music. MY laundry is about to hit the dryer and the cake is cooling down before I can put my homemade icing on top.
Some of the things I am thinking about tonight:
-Third Eye Blind was on tour in New York and I missed it. Kyle works with someone who is a huge fan and they saw them last week and I just found out today but it was too late, they don't have any other shows in this area so I am totally bummed out. Good news though, they are coming out with a new album and its been years so that's something I can look forward to.
-On the same note I keep checking back on U2's site. I am a member and everything I read about the new album that is coming out I get more excited. It has a Moroccan theme to it and I know I won't be disappointed. I have this itch to see them again in concert and I can't wait until they release there new album.
-Life as a House is still a movie I love to watch. I own hundreds of movies. but Life as a House is just one of those movies that I cry like a baby every time I watch it. I think I will watch it before I go to bed tonight. It just gets me every time.
-Brad Pitt & angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes: Between the two I choose TomKat for sure. I have all the seasons of Dawsons Creek on DVD and Katie and me go way back. I still can't believe it, when Tom Cruise was in Jerry Maguire Katie Holmes was Joie on Dawson's Creek in HIghschool. Talk about crazy.
-I love Honey Mustard, When I order chicken strips from anywhere that is my sauce of choice. I have 2 bottles at home that Kyle and I drove to Niagara Falls to buy because they didn't have that kind for chicken strips here. Right now chicken strips are on sale at Costco. They go great with honey mustard sauce. 

-Now that I am in school and graduation is in the near future all I want to do is get a mediocre job at some kind of really simple job. I actually have a dream job of working at Blockbuster. I know that must seem amature but I love movies and I think I would be in constant blissfulness if I could work all day at Blockbuster.
-Going a whole day without putting on makeup or brushing your hair aint so bad.
- I really want to devote more time to doing school work. Every semester seems to become a little more slackeristic. I am already counting down the days to the next break because all I can think about is blasting third eye blind in the Lexus with the sun roof down feeling the sun shinning down on me and the wind blowing through my hair on the open Highway with Kyle by my side driving to New York city.
-I can't wait for 24 to come back on to T.V
-I have way to many big dreams, I want my first house to be one that has an amazing pool in the back yard, and a basement that is fully equipped to have people over with a pool table, bar, a huge T.V with all my movies on tall shelves that you need one of those wooden ladders to reach. I want to have all stainless steal appliances and of coarse I want to have my own convertable and walk in closet.
Okay I will ramble on more later. I need to finish my laundry.
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