I find that I am really distracted all the time doing things that I don't get time to just sit down and release thoughts in here as much as I want. It's been days since my last entry and I am sad that I don't write as much as I want.
Its Sunday and its a new month.

Its Sunday and its a new month.
So much has been happening.
First of all school. I only have 2 weeks left and then I have 2 weeks of holidays. This mini semester has atually been one of my worst so far, I just keep doing pathetic on the tests and assignments no matter how hard I try so I am bit worried about what my final grades will be but one thing that is true is that everyone in my class is struggling so I am not alone. 

Saturday I spent from dusk untill dawn working on my layout asignment of art history movements and I am so happy I am finally through with that assignment. Today I will work on two other assignments.
Second thing on my mind these days Is Kyle, he is leaving on Monday to go to Arkansa
for buisness and this time it came up so quick that I feel I'm not ready for it but the good news is I will be pretty busy next week so It shouldn't be too bad. When Kyle gets back I have one week of school left and then we are heading off to New York City
to do some shopping damage which will be awesome. I am so excited about this. Our 3 year anniversery is also approaching on August 26th and I think we have plans to see a Toronto based production, something fun like Dirty Dancing and having dinner somewhere nice. Kyle is probably going to be taking trips in the fall to L.A again and Hong Kong, So I need to get used to being alone as I have a feeling these trips are going to become somewhat frequent. Kyle is still doing great with this Job, He loves it still so much which is so nice to see. I love that he has something he can pour his heart into and is rewarding for him. God has really blessed us with this opportunity and there is such potential to grow so we feel so blessed with what we have been given.

As for today, It's still early and although I went to bed at 3am and it's only 9 am I thought it was in my best intrest to get up early and start working on some of my other assignments so I can do any last minute things with Kyle tonight and get to bed early So I can be at Union Station for 8 am on Monday for Canada's Wonderland.
I know tomorrow will be so much fun. I was thinking today too that I need to buy a pair of shorts so that I don't get a bad tan if I am out in the sun all day.

Heres my to do list for today:
-get started on Case Study assignment
-Start working on Media assginment
-do laundry
-do dishes
-Go to the mall and pick up some shorts
-pick up salad for Tomorrow
-pick up a folder for art history project
-pack essentails for tomorrow, sun tan lotion.
-don't forget to pack USB to work on case study with Daria after Wonderland
-pack a special card in Kyles carry on with a special treat.
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