It's almost time for bed, its creeping up to 11:30 and I have an 8:00 am class tomorrow.
I have spent the night working on my case study for marketing and now I am sitting on the couch, catching up on some things online, listening to
Mariah Carry. One of her older albums that has songs like " Dream Lover come Rescue me" and "One Fine Day" I am finding it so relaxing after a long draining day. I started the day feeling lonely and as I thought early this morning I was pretty distracted all day. Daria and I were at school until late working on our Case Study and when I got home I had just enough time to have some dinner and spend a couple more hours on our assignment.
I love to sit back and reflect on life, sometimes I feel like I think about where Kyle and I have been and where we are going way more then any person should. I always catch myself drifting away into day dreams of where we will be a few years from now. The last few years have been a roller coaster, and back then I would never have imagined we would be doing so well so I can only imagine what our lives will be a few years in the future after I have graduated and we have gone through life's unexpectedness.
I talked to Kyle tonight and one of the main parts that he needs to finish the job in Arkansa is not coming until Monday, He might be able to come home this weekend but if he does he will just have to go back on Monday so he might end up staying longer like he did in L.A. He should know by tomorrow if his flight is getting pushed back.
I could really just sit here and talk for the entire night, some days, well most I feel like I have so much I want to say but no one to tell it to ..I love to let words loose like a bird set free from captivity soaring through the sky untouchable. When I write that is how I feel, Free and untouchable. I hope one day I will be able to find a career that I can really let my creativity and ideas soar and be a success. I would love to create every day for a living and get paid for it. That would be a dream come true.
I need to wind down for the night now, It's time to turn off all the lights, set the alarm, give Kyle a call and fall asleep hopefully serenaded by sweet dreams.
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