
You Can.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Truly relatable

I just finished catching up on some new episodes of ‘Up All Night’ which I have to say is one of THE only sitcom style T.V shows I look forward to watching.
 I have to talk about it because the story line every week is just so relatable. If you haven’t seen the show, it follows a young married couple with a young daughter (she’s around 1 ) and basically they are stuck growing up yet still trying to continue to be ‘cool’ young people. The show is funny because the scenarios are actually things that happen to young married couples.

For instance, Kyle and I have certain shows that we download and only watch together. In previous years it was a serious ritual (not so much anymore) but It would be betrayal for one to watch a new episode without or before the other. This situation and others are what make ‘Up All Night’ so relatable and funny.

The episodes I just finished watching were all about the mundane Friday and Saturday nights that happen all too frequently after you’re married. For a lot of us it’s A movie at home with some food and even that is sometimes a push. I know I can relate to Regan on the show, I miss going out and having a good time! I think a lot of the times it takes too much brain power to come up with something different to do and that’s the challenge but I wish I had some ideas to help spruce up weekend nights.

On a side note, another funny thing I found myself relating too was trying to keep the cool ‘hip’ young image. It’s funny how geek is now sheik and everyone in coffee shops is SO COOL. If you have a computer and are into interesting off the wall music no one has ever heard of ..You fit in! I summarized that really bad BUT you have to watch the show to get the total picture. I have to catch myself trying to relate at times to the cooler, younger crowd. I don’t think I’m that old, but things have really changed over the years!

If anyone has any interesting Saturday night ideas, pass them on! I am hoping to do something, (ANYTHING!) other than the same old, same old.

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