
You Can.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Howling Wind

This windy cold weather reminds of a U2 song that has lyrics talking about the howling wind, I haven't heard the wind be so loud before in my life! I am inside and the window is behind me and right now the howling wind is all I can hear.

Its Saturday morning and I will be leaving for work in 30 minutes or so. I have spent the last hour reflecting a bit..part of my morning routine.I am always surprised at what I discover when I take the time to let my heart breathe and release. It's

shocking how sad I am! haha..it's weird to say that out loud but It is kind of funny...when I let myself reflect on my life..it only takes 10 minutes and I am in tears! 
This seems to happen every time I am able to just sit and reflect but I think it's good to allow myself to feel. I don't really know what I am supposed to do with all of my feelings. I seem to have an on going un easiness and stomach full of knots through out the day thinking about things. It can't be helped. I know that giving it all to God is the only option and that's pretty much all I continue to do.

In retrospect I have a feeling 10 years from now I will look back on this time and be like " Oh yes! I see why I had to go through all of this, because what I am experiencing now in my life could have never happened if that didn't happen!" But..that perspective is still too far away. I am still stuck in the here and now..it's not so great to be honest. I have so many questions, too few answers and a lot of me shaking my head saying "What the Hell!!!!!" Pardon my language but "What the Heck!!!!" just doesn't do it.

I have to say.. one thing I miss the most about marriage is having that one person who at the end of the day you can say anything too. You can just let all the ugly out, the tears, the whining, the anxiety and worry..Even if they don't listen! You have that existence, that person who is there and can bear witness to what you are experiencing and... help you are not, it just feels better having someone else that knows what your really going through. It's so hard to live and try to breakdown how you feel to someone else who isn't really there, who doesn't truly know everything and all the pieces that created the situation. Spouses understand and know one another..without even having to say one word, they know. I miss that feeling so much. I want to just be in the same room with someone and that person just know..everything about me, inside and out without me having to say one word. It's that sigh of relief that comes when you lay your head down knowing that there is one person who you don't need to explain anything too. They already know and completely understand.

That's just a little of what I am feeling this morning,
I took a picture of some snacks I am enjoying these days and was going to talk about that but got a little side tracked!! Blame it on the wind I suppose!
Don't worry, I will talk about the snacks another day!

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