
You Can.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Me and the Fam

Here I am with Heidi & Sam's little adorable grusome Twosome Anna & Zack which whom I love to death! I wish they lived close by so I could spoil them to no end! Zack did NOT want to come out and play in the rain with Anna and I. He didn't want to get wet but I made him come out for a picture. Don't ya just love my pokadot GAP unbrella. I never leave home without it because you never know when it's going to rain!

Me and Kyle lounging. More of Kyle lounging on me, Using me as a Pillow BUT whatever works.
So I thought I would showcase my Family since they are the ones that love me unconditionally and faithfully always. These are some pictures that were taken over the past couple of weeks during Family Sundays and other days.
Here are my amazing parents looking soooo
Great! Bellow is a really cute picture of my mom with Kyle showing her motherly TLC.

Here is the beautiful Rochelle. Andrew's Lovley wife.

This would be me enjoying one of my favirot past times which is Eating Watermelon!

My mom and bellow Brother Andrew.

Me and Dad

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