
You Can.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

One Day Off

I have been sitting here for an hour..I have written..deleted...written..and deleted..
I have a lot on my mind, as usual! It's Sunday, which is a day that should be restful and one of peace but often I find myself in a lot of mind conversation on this day of the week.  It's usually my day off and it's the end of a week for me..It's also the only time I have to seriously reflect on how my life is going and when I go to church it keeps me honest with the reality of my hearts condition..

I am very drained emotionally..and since working ..being tired physically is making the emotional strain hard to cope with. I need a safe place to fall..I need comfort and everywhere I turn I experience the opposite of that...it's more like hard rocks surrounding me. 

I am so ready to be safe..to lay my head down on my pillow at night and have peace of mind that everything is OK.. That I am Loved,Treasured, Adored AND don't need to worry that tomorrow it might all disappear. 

I will try again today to make the best for myself..despite the situation surrounding me. I am going to enjoy this day ..let God bring me the peace and love I crave so much. 


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