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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pre Work Thinking..

Oh the countdown to work time..I have one precious hour left before I head off to work. I am feeling reflective this morning. I am almost emotional, not sure why..just started looking through old pictures and started feeling a bit sad. It probably doesn't help that I am listening to an online R&B slow jam romance station ..all the songs are about sappy love gushing romance!

It's funny..looking through pictures right after they are taken I usually am like ughh..this could have turned out better but years later when I look back at that snap shot in time I am so appreciative of that moment. Every picture...every single one! from trips to Ottawa..from Graduation..walking to the Go Train..College days..Toronto internship moments..I look back and love these pictures when I look through them today..they are so special to me. In the moment I don't think much of them but later they are truly moments I never want to forget.

This is one my favorite pictures of Kyle and I..we were living in a little apartment in Niagara Falls..right before we moved to Burlington for my Advertising degree and Kyle's new Toronto job at Spin Master. It's probably the only time since I was like....8 years old that I had short hair..and also the only time I weighed the same as I did after high school. It was the last time I created a collage just for the fun of it..you can see it in the background. 'City Lights Lead Me Home' is what it reads. ahhh...the momories! Just one of those reflective moments today...

I am still day dreaming of sharing another photo like this one with Kyle..one where we both feel our best together. I want a new photo taken today that I can look back on 10 years from now and smile...

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