
You Can.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


A day off..well kind of, I worked through last night until 7 am so spent most of my day off catching up on sleep but all the same, it’s a day off and I feel the release of past week’s hardships begin to fade away.

I feel the need to create today, a few moments driving in the sunshine is inspiration enough to get on to whatever project may be next. For now I am going to settle on a blog post!

I have shown a magazine that I spent 8 months developing to a few people but thought I would share a link to it on here too, so more people can see/read it if they want.

The magazine, titled REPRESENT was a dream that God laid on my heart back in the summer of ’99. I decided this past year to attempt to design an issue and I did. You can get an overview of my heart and the purpose of this magazine when you read the little letter from the editor at the start of the magazine. It will pretty much explain everything you need to know.

I get really personal in the articles; I wanted to keep to being authentic and real. I wanted this magazine to be an extension of who I am and where I am at in my life right now.

Life, oh life! It’s so incredibly hard..everyday I have to stop and take a deep breath and trust that the Lord will help me make it through today. Somehow He always does, God is so good..so faithful and His love is incredible.

The back cover of the magazine say’s “NEED TO BREAK-THROUGH.” And it shows a wrecking ball smashing through a brick wall. This is an expression of how I feel in my life. It represents the unsettled and urgent feeling I have in my heart to break-through and experience change. I continue to pray and ask God for that break-through in my life, and I trust that everything will come together one day and when it does I know it will be glorious! Looking forward to that day.


Anonymous said...

Love the magazine Heather! NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Praying for a breakthrough for you today:)


Anonymous said...

Just so you know:) I bought the first copy of your magazine, some day when you look back you will see that this was the beginning of something big!